
NETS1037-10 - Network Discovery


This lesson takes a brief look at network discovery. It is expected to be completed in week 14 of the course, with the quiz due before the end of the 14th class.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

These objectives are in support of Learning Outcomes 4 and 6 in the Course Outline.

To do List

Lesson Material

Learning Activity

In this lab assignment, you will be using nmap to discover machines connected to networks. Follow the instructions in the Lab 10 - Network Discovery.

Online Resources - documentation and examples for software used in this lab

Graded Activity

When you are done this lab, you can check the rubric for this assignment on Blackboard to ensure you have completed everything that is marked and then submit your work to Blackboard as described in the lab instructions.


The quiz is found on Blackboard under Assignments and Tests.


There is no separate test for this topic. The quiz will count for your testing mark in this topic.


In this module, you have been introduced to SNMP and using SNMP as a data source for monitoring software. You should now be able to:

Completing the quiz will provide you with a measure of your knowledge in these areas. This is the final class and lesson, so this lab and the quiz must be completed before the end of class.