
Set up Radius AAA authentication for SSH using FreeRadius

We will be using loghost as a RADIUS service host and implementing use of that service for testuser to login using ssh on loghost. So you will need to be on loghost to do the activities for this lab. webhost and nmshost do not need to be running for this lab.

Install the RADIUS daemon

  1. Install freeradius on your loghost
    ssh loghost
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install freeradius
  2. Use netstat to verify that your radius server is listening on the default ports for connections
    sudo netstat -tulpn

Configure logging and identify the RADIUS secret

Freeradius configuration files are kept under /etc/freeradius.

  1. Modify your radiusd.conf to log auth messages to syslog by changing no to yes on the auth = line.
  2. Find the default RADIUS secret for the localhost client in the clients.conf file.
    sudo sed -i --follow-symlinks -e 's/auth = no/auth = yes/' /etc/freeradius/3.0/radiusd.conf
    sudo grep '^       secret = ' /etc/freeradius/3.0/clients.conf

Add a test user to the RADIUS user database and verify it looks up correctly and logs correctly

  1. Create a test user for authentication by adding a line to the start of the users file and restart your radiusd
    grep -q testuser /etc/freeradius/3.0/users || sudo sed -i --follow-symlinks '1i#User for lab 8\ntestuser Cleartext-Password := "radiuspassword"\n' /etc/freeradius/3.0/users
    sudo systemctl enable freeradius
    sudo systemctl restart freeradius
  2. Use radtest to verify you can get a successful authentication of your test user, and also do one with an incorrect password
    radtest testuser radiuspassword localhost 1 testing123
    radtest testuser badpass localhost 1 testing123
  3. Check your /var/log/freeradius/radius.log to see what got recorded
    tail /var/log/freeradius/radius.log
  4. Try using radtest for your test user with an incorrect secret
    radtest testuser password localhost 1 badsecret
    tail /var/log/freeradius/radius.log
  5. Try to connect to loghost as user testuser
    • Did it work?
    • What was logged to the /var/log/freeradius/radius.log and /var/log/auth.log files?

Create a login account for the name testuser in Linux and configure sshd to include RADIUS for authentication checks

  1. Add the testuser account to your loghost as a local user with the adduser command and give that account sudo privileges
    • Set the password to be something different from what you used for the freeradius user definition
      sudo adduser testuser
      sudo adduser testuser sudo
  2. Configure pam_radius_auth with the correct secret for localhost to access RADIUS
  3. Configure sshd to include RADIUS as an authentication source via PAM
    sudo apt install libpam-radius-auth
    sudo sed -i --follow-symlinks '/' /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf
    sudo sed -i --follow-symlinks '1i# Adding radius auth for lab 8\nauth sufficient\n' /etc/pam.d/sshd
  4. Use ssh to connect to loghost as user testuser
    • Try the password in radius (radiuspassword)
    • Try the linux password (whatever you made it)
    • Try an invalid password
  5. Which password(s) is/are accepted?
  6. What was logged to the /var/log/freeradius/radius.log and /var/log/auth.log files?

Effect of using RADIUS with SSH on other methods of login

  1. Login on the console of loghost as user testuser
    • Try the password in radius (radiuspassword)
    • Try the linux password (whatever you made it)
    • Try an invalid password
  2. Which password(s) was/were accepted?
  3. What was logged to the /var/log/freeradius/radius.log and /var/log/auth.log files?

Restricting SSHD to only RADIUS authentication

  1. Disable standard UNIX authentication for sshd
    sudo sed -i --follow-symlinks 's/^@include common-auth/#@include common-auth/' /etc/pam.d/sshd
  2. Use ssh to connect to loghost as user testuser
    • Try the password in radius (radiuspassword)
    • Try the linux password (whatever you made it)
    • Try an invalid password
  3. Which password(s) was/were accepted?
  4. What was logged to the /var/log/freeradius/radius.log and /var/log/auth.log files?


Screenshot the following commands and their output run on loghost:

radtest testuser radiuspassword localhost 1 testing123
radtest testuser badpass localhost 1 testing123
radtest testuser password localhost 1 badsecret
ssh testuser@loghost
tail -n 20 /var/log/freeradius/radius.log /var/log/auth.log

Submit your screenshots on blackboard.