This lab will give you hands-on practive installing and setting up canned UTM functionality on your proxyhost. Note that we are installing the repo versions of software to keep the lab simple. If you are feeling ambitious, visit the github site for the software and install a current version following the instructions that are on the github site for the software. For the purposes of our lab, the repo versions are fine.
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install e2guardian clamav-daemon
is set to at least the same as the maxcontentfiltersize
but not bigger then maxcontentfilecachescansize
is set the same as the filename specified in /etc/clamav/clamd.conf
for the LocalSocket - they should be by default because /run and /var/un are the same thing in ubuntusudo vi /etc/e2guardian/e2guardian.conf
sudo systemctl restart e2guardian
sudo systemctl start clamav-daemon
sudo ufw allow 8080/tcp
export http_proxy=http://proxyhost:8080
sudo apt update
wget -O -
wget -O -
wget -O -
wget -O -
If you want to try setting up email filtering for virii and spam, you can do it using instructions like those found at:
There are no marks for setting up email filtering, but you can use this as a starting point if you want to try working with email filtering.
There are two things which are assessed to assign marks for this lab. The first is that your e2guardian is running and passing valid traffic. The second is that the e2guardian is blocking bad traffic. Run the following commands on nmshost and screenshot the results to show both of these.
export http_proxy=
wget -O -
wget -O -