
Lab 4 - Crypto and Email

In this lab, you will need to create an identity you can use to sign and encrypt email, then configure your email tool to use that identity.

Identity Creation

  1. Create a PGP key pair for your email address if you do not already have one
  2. Upload it to the Ubuntu keyserver
  3. Download the PGP public key for from the Ubuntu keyserver
  4. Configure an email application to send email using your PGP identity
    1. Install any necessary plugins or add-ons
    2. Import your pgp keys and associate them with your email address
    3. Import the public key for
  5. Verify you have the option to sign and encrypt email in your email application when sending from your identity to

Sending email for marks

  1. Send 4 emails to that use pgp signatures and/or encryption as follows:
    • one plain email with the subject “pgp public key” with only your pgp public key in an attachment
    • one that is signed and has the subject “signed example” containing an interesting image along with a text caption or description of the image
    • one that is encrypted and has the subject “encrypted example” containing a different interesting image along with a text caption or decription of the image
    • one that is signed and encrypted and has the subject “signed and encrypted example” containing a third interesting image along with a text caption or decription of the image
  2. Once you have sent those emails, submit a comment on blackboard for this lab to let me know you have sent the emails


There are marks for each email being received with correct and usable contents.