Memory Forensics with Volatility
- Install a memory dump tool of your choice
- Capture a memory dump of your windows 10 machine
- Install the volatility tool from the volatility foundation website, their github repo has installation info.
- Use Volatility3 to perform the following tasks using volatility subcommands:
- Ensure it can identify the OS version using screenshot
- Produce a list of processes running using windows.pslist screenshot
- Produce the hivelist using windows.registry.hivelist screenshot
- Produce a credentials list using windows.hashdump to see if you can retrieve the password hashes screenshot
- Produce the network connections table using windows.netstat screenshot (try netscan instead if netstat isn’t there or doesn’t work for you)- describe any interesting or unexpected connections screenshot and write up a brief description of any connections you did not expect or found interesting
- Submit your results as a single pdf file on blackboard
- DO NOT INCLUDE FULL OUTPUT LISTINGS FROM VOLATILITY, only the volatility command and the first screenful of output from it for each command
- DO INCLUDE the volatility output lines that support your response to the network connections question above
This assignment is graded and counts towards your mark for the course. Submit the screenshots listed above either as separate files (NOT A ZIP), or images in a PDF file. Your response to the network connections found must be submitted either as a text file (.txt, NOT WORD DOC OR DOCX), or as part of a PDF you are submitting that includes your screenshots. Be sure your screenshots are readable. If they have fonts too tiny for blackboard to display, I cannot give you marks for them.