
Lab 04 Firewalls and filters

This unit provides basic coverage of the tools and techniques for firewalling and filtering traffic on a Linux system.

Iptables Basics

This activity will familiarize you with the basics of creating rules for iptables chains and verifying whether your rules do what you wanted them to do.

  1. connect to your server’s ssh service with a terminal window or with putty
  2. Log into the student account
  3. Since we are using a prebuilt VM that has ufw configured, save the existing ufw configuration ONLY DO THIS ONCE, EVEN IF YOU RESTART THE LAB
    sudo ufw show added >~/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M-ufw-rules-saved.$$`
  4. Clear out the leftovers from iptables
    sudo ufw reset
    sudo iptables -F
    sudo iptables -X
  5. Verify you can connect to your VM using a web browser
    • use the ip address of your ens33 interface (ip a s ens33)
    • access the cockpit service at http://W.X.Y.Z:9090 (W.X.Y.Z should be your VM’s ens33 IP address)
    • login to the cockpit service with the student login and password that used for ssh
  6. Create a set of iptables rules to
    • allow any traffic on the loopback interface
    • allow ssh inbound traffic on your ens33 interface
    • log and count any input tcp traffic that is not destined for your ssh service
    • set the INPUT and OUTPUT policy to DROP
      iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
      iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT
      iptables -A INPUT -i ens33 -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
      iptables -A INPUT -i ens33 -p tcp \! --dport ssh -c 0 0 -j LOG --log-prefix "INPUT DENIED: "
      iptables -P INPUT DROP
      iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
  7. Is your cockpit web page still updating?
  8. Does your ssh session still work?
  9. See what is getting logged for your iptables rules
    sudo grep DENIED /var/log/kern.log
  10. View your iptables rules using the -L and -S options
    sudo iptables -L
    sudo iptables -S
  11. Which one is more useful to see your rules?
  12. Reboot your VM
  13. View your iptables rules again. Did the reboot change anything?

Iptables Persistence

  1. Reinstall the iptables rules from the first part of the lab and verify they are present
    iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A INPUT -i ens33 -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A INPUT -i ens33 -p tcp \! --dport ssh -c 0 0 -j LOG --log-prefix "INPUT DENIED: "
    iptables -P INPUT DROP
    iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
    iptables -L
  2. Install the iptables-persistent package, without agreeing to save the rules during installation of the package
    sudo apt install iptables-persistent
  3. Save your IPV4 rules with the iptables-save command
    sudo iptables-save |tee /etc/iptables/rules.v4
  4. Examine the contents of /etc/iptables/rules.v4 and compare it to the output of iptables-save
  5. Reboot and verify your rules are automatically reinstalled
  6. Remove the iptables-persistent package
    sudo apt remove iptables-persistent
  7. Reboot and check if your rules are still getting installed at boot

Kernel Tuning with sysctl

  1. Run sysctl -a to get an idea of the kernel parameters currently set up on your system
  2. What are the security implications of being able to retrieve this type of information as an ordinary user?
  3. has excellent sysctl documentation for kernel version 2.6 (still in use in production systems and embedded systems)
    • Find the swappiness parameter in that document to see what it can do for you
    • Check out the wikipedia article for more info

Performance tuning also affects resiliency, example references on tuning for performance include:


  1. Install iptstate package
    sudo apt install iptstate
  2. Clear your iptables rules and add back the rules we have been using, but with connection tracking turned on for new connections to the ssh service
    sudo ufw reset
    sudo iptables -F
    sudo iptables -X
    sudo iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
    sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT
    sudo iptables -A INPUT -i ens33 -p tcp --dport ssh -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT
    sudo iptables -A INPUT -i ens33 -p tcp \! --dport ssh -c 0 0 -j LOG --log-prefix "INPUT DENIED: "
    sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP
    sudo iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
  3. Run iptstate and observe the various connections being tracked by iptables
    sudo iptstate -f
  4. Use iptables -L -v to see the packet and byte counts being seen by the various rules you have in place
    sudo iptables -L -v


UFW is already installed on the lab VM.

  1. Clear out the iptables rules we currently have, as well as any leftover ufw rules
    sudo ufw reset
    sudo iptables -F
    sudo iptables -X
  2. Use ufw to allow ssh traffic
    sudo ufw allow ssh
  3. Check your status with ufw, enable it, recheck your status
    sudo ufw status
    sudo ufw enable
    sudo ufw status
  4. Run iptables -L -v with the ufw firewall tool in enabled state
    sudo iptables -L -v
  5. Disable the ufw firewall tool and see what is left behind in your live iptables
    sudo ufw disable
    sudo ufw status
    sudo iptables -L
  6. Clear out your tables for the next exercise
    sudo ufw reset
    sudo iptables -F
    sudo iptables -X


  1. Install the ipkungfu package and check its state after installation
    sudo apt install ipkungfu
    sudo ipkungfu -c
  2. Note the configuration files in /etc/ipkungfu
  3. Modify ipkungfu.conf to set GATEWAY=0, DISALLOW_PRIVATE=0
    sudo vi /etc/ipkungfu/ipkungfu.conf
  4. Modify services.conf to ACCEPT ftp and ssh traffic
    sudo vi /etc/ipkungfu/services.conf
  5. Run ipkungfu –show-vars to see your current configuration with ipkungfu’s guesses and correct any settings you can see are not right for your VM
    sudo ipkungfu --show-vars
  6. Run ipkungfu -t to test and install your new configuration
    sudo ipkungfu -t
  7. Use iptables -L to see the new iptables configuration
    sudo iptables -L
  8. Check /etc/default/ipkungfu to see if it is enabled on system startup (IPKFSTART setting) and make sure it is disabled before doing fail2ban
    sudo cat /etc/default/ipkungfu


For this activity, you will want to have 2 separate terminals or putty windows running at the same time. Do the steps up to monitoring the log file in the first window, and then switch to the other window to cause the failed logins. Once you do that, the ip address that the failures are coming from will be banned, so be sure your second session isn’t coming from the same ip address as your first session.

  1. Clear out your tables before starting the exercise
    sudo ufw reset
    sudo iptables -F
    sudo iptables -X
  2. Install fail2ban
    sudo apt install fail2ban
  3. Use fail2ban-client to see the default configuration that is running
    sudo fail2ban-client status
  4. Check the status of default sshd jail that is installed
    sudo fail2ban-client status sshd
  5. Start monitoring the fail2ban.log using tail -f to see what the service does for the next steps
    sudo tail -f /var/log/fail2ban.log
  6. Use a second terminal/putty window to login to your VM from a different machine than your other ssh session, but give the wrong password 6 times in a row while watching the fail2ban log in your other ssh session
  7. Once the service bans your ip according to the watched logfile, cancel the logifle monitoring using ^C (ctrl-c) and examine the ban with the following commands in the terminal window that is still working
    fail2ban-client status sshd
    fail2ban-client get sshd bantime
  8. Clear the ban manually
    fail2ban-client set sshd unbanip w.x.y.z
    fail2ban-client status sshd
  9. Verify your second terminal/putty window can connect using ssh again