
COMP2101 - Administrative Shell Scripting


This course is part of the CSTN program at Georgian College. The course outline is updated periodically and kept available online via the Georgian College website. There is also a course syllabus with the details for each semester kept on the Blackboard website for the course.

As part of the CSTN program, students are expected to have completed COMP2108 - Linux System Administration and COMP1071 - Linux Network Administation courses prior to taking this course. As a result, it is expected that students are able to do simple tasks in a bash shell on the command line using common commands. Students who may not be comfortable using the bash command line are encouraged to review one or both of bash tutorial or Ryan’s Tutorials - Linux Tutorial before starting this course. No prior knowledge of Microsoft Powershell is expected.

We use Ubuntu Linux and Microsoft Windows 10 for our lab exercises and it is expected that students will run them in virtual machines under VMWare or Virtualbox. Students are expected to install and be familiar with at least one of these virtualization software packages prior to starting this course. Students may choose alternative methods of accessing Ubuntu Linux and Windows 10 environments for use in the course at their discretion.

Course Schedule