
Lab 7 User and group accounts


In this lab, you will practice creating user and group accounts. You will also start using file permissions to control access to files and directories.

Multiple user accounts will be used for this lab

Creating accounts and groups requires superuser privilege, so those commands will require the use of sudo. Once you have created users, you will be perorming tasks as those users, so for those tasks, you will be required to login as those users. For this purpose, it is recommended that in a terminal window, you use

login username

to start a login shell as the desired user in that window. When you are done running commands as that user, you can use the


command to return to the shell you were using before you entered the login username command.

Create a group for our users to use for collaboration, and a group directory for shared files

  1. Create a group named developers.
    sudo addgroup developers
  2. Create a directory named /projects/bigdeal owned by root and the developers group.
  3. The directory must be full access for the owner and the group, with no access for any other users and it must have the set-group-id bit turned on.
  4. Create a subdirectory in /projects/bigdeal named incoming, with the same ownership and permissions as /projects/bigdeal.
    sudo mkdir -p /projects/bigdeal/incoming
    sudo chgrp -R developers /projects/bigdeal
    sudo chmod -R 2770 /projects/bigdeal

Create accounts for our users

  1. Create a user named harry with a home directory.
    sudo adduser harry
  2. Create a user named sally with a home directory.
    sudo adduser sally
  3. Create a user named cupid with a home directory.
    sudo adduser cupid
  4. Add harry, sally and cupid to the developers group as a supplementary group for each of them.
    sudo adduser harry developers
    sudo adduser sally developers
    sudo adduser cupid developers

Log into the harry account and perform the following tasks:

login harry
  1. Create a file named myclothes.txt in harry’s home directory with 5 lines of text in it, each line containing some item of clothing.
    nano myclothes.txt
  2. Copy that file to a file named harry in /projects/bigdeal/incoming.
    cp myclothes.txt /projects/bigdeal/incoming/harry

Log into the sally account and perform the following tasks:

login sally
  1. Create a file named myfurniture.txt in sally’s home directory with 5 lines of text in it, each line containing some kind of furniture.
    nano myfurniture.txt
  2. Copy that file to a file named sally in /projects/bigdeal/incoming.
    cp myfurniture.txt /projects/bigdeal/incoming/sally

Log into the cupid account and perform the following tasks:

login cupid
  1. Using the paste command, create a file called when-harry-met-sally.txt in /projects/bigdeal by pasting together the two files harry and sally and use redirection to put the output into the incoming directory.
    cd /projects/bigdeal/incoming
    paste harry sally > ../when-harry-met-sally.txt
  2. Remove the two files from the incoming directory.
    rm harry sally
  3. Use cat to display the contents of the when-harry-met-sally.txt file.
    cd ..
    cat when-harry-met-sally.txt

Submission of Results

Capture screenshots of the terminal window showing your prompt, commands, and as much of the output for each command as fits in the window with your command still showing. Submit a single PDF file to blackboard containing your screenshots in the order they were performed, along wityh your responses to the questios asked in the lab.