This lab will introduce you to creating and managing directories and files using the bash command line interface. All commands in this lab are to be run using your normal user account only, without the use of sudo or su.
mkdir ~/lab5/
cd ~/lab5/
curl|tar xzf -
to explore the files you extracted.
ls -R
command to see what the directory structure created looks like.
to verify that your backup created what you expected. Do not modify anything in the backups directory for the remainder of this lab.
mkdir ~/backups
cp -r ~/lab5 ~/backups/
tree ~/backups
command to find out what the content of the files in the catfiles directory are and rename those files to have appropriate extensions.
cd ~/lab5/catfiles
file *
mv <a filename without any extension> <a filename with an appropriate extension> **Repeat as needed**
mkdir ~/lab5/txts
mv ~/lab5/catfiles/*.txt ~/lab5/txts/
command to verify you have completed these commands correctly.
mkdir -p ~/lab5/images/jpgs ~/lab5/images/pngs
mv ~/lab5/*/*.jpg ~/lab5/images/jpgs/
mv ~/lab5/*/*.png ~/lab5/images/pngs/
rmdir ~/lab5/catfiles ~/lab5/whoisit
tree ~/lab5
command one more time to verify you got the links you should have.
mkdir ~/lab5/webpics
cd ~/lab5/webpics
ln -s ../images/*/* .
tree ~/lab5
Capture screenshots of the terminal window showing your prompt, commands, and as much of the output for each command as fits in the window with your command still showing. Submit a single PDF file to blackboard containing your screenshots in the order they were performed, along wityh your responses to the questios asked in the lab.