In this lab, you will be introduced to using the terminal utilities and command line basic syntax. All Linux commands in this lab are to be run using your normal user account only, without the use of sudo or su.
Start a terminal window on the Linux desktop. In that terminal window, use the tty
command to identify which terminal device you are currently using. Without quitting the terminal window, start another terminal window and use the tty
command in that window to see what terminal device it uses. You can find the IP address of your Linux VM for the next step using the hostname command:
hostname -I
On your host laptop, start up a terminal program.
ssh <ip address of Linux VM>
copy ssh.exe c:\windows\system32
copy sftp.exe c:\windows\system32
copy scp.exe c:\windows\system32
copy libcrypto.dll c:\windows\system32
Start powershell and enter the following command to use ssh:
ssh <ip adress of Linux VM>
Whichever method you use, you will be asked to enter your Linux password. Enter it, and you will get a shell prompt. At that prompt, enter the tty
command to identify your terminal device. Enter the who
command to see the logged in users.
When you log on to a Linux computer with a terminal, you will be given access to the shell program fi your account has that privilege (the default account has that privilege). It is helpful to know which shell you are running if you want to use any of the shell’s non-trivial capabilities. A simple way to identify your shell is to ask the system to show you which processes your current login has running. The command to see process information is
When you run that command it will show you the processes running that are attached to your terminal. You should see 2 output lines, one for the ps command itself, and the other will be the shell you are running (the default for most systems is bash).
It is very common to work with multiple files in shell commands. We can save ourselves a great deal of typing by using filename globbing (*, ?, and []). Run the following commands to create some files to play with, exactly as they are shown.
cd ~/Documents
mkdir lab3
cd lab3
for file in a b c 1 2 3; do
touch $file
for file2 in a b c 1 2 3; do
touch $file$file2
for file3 in a b c 1 2 3; do
touch $file$file2$file3
for file4 in a b c 1 2 3; do
touch $file$file2$file3$file4
Use the ls
command to see all the files you just created:
Now try filename globbing to display only the files with just a single character filename, like this:
ls ?
For the next 3 steps, take a screenshot that shows all 3 commands and their output.
command to only display filenames that start with the letter a and are up to 3 characters
command to only display filenames that have only 2 characters in
command to only display filenames that are 3-digit numbers.Create an echo
command to show the following output exactly as it is shown:
"Hi. How are you?", he said.
What 3 commands could you use to find out where bash gets the echo command from? Try each one.
How many commands are being kept in your bash history? Run a command to show the maximum number of commands to be saved in your history.
Capture screenshots of the terminal window showing your prompt, commands, and as much of the output for each command as fits in the window with your command still showing. Submit a single PDF file to blackboard containing your screenshots in the order they were performed, along wityh your responses to the questios asked in the lab.