
Lab 6 Database Service


In this lab, you will install the MySQL server software, phpmyadmin web application and webmin web application.

Install software

Install the mysql-server and mysql-client packages.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-server mysql-client

Service status check

Use the mysqladmin tool to view the database service processlist:

sudo mysqladmin -u root processlist

and status:

sudo mysqladmin -u root status

To see what state your database service is in, and the most recent log messages, you can use the service command:

service mysql status

Database Backup

Use the mysqldump tool to dump the mysql database to a file named mysql-backup.sql in root’s home directory

sudo mysqldump -u root mysql --result-file=/root/mysql-backup.sql

Use the more command to see what the sql backup file contains.

Database access check

Use the mysql command line tool

sudo mysql -u root 

to show a list of databases

show databases;

the list of tables for the mysql database

show tables from mysql;

and the columns of the user table within the mysql database

show columns from user from mysql;

and set a root password for the database root user

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';
flush privileges;

You can quit the interactive mysql tool with


Firewall rule for direct MySQL access over the network

Add a UFW rule to allow mysql access through your firewall

sudo ufw allow 3306/tcp

Setup the phpmyadmin web application

Install the phpmyadmin and php-gettext packages. Select Yes to configure the database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common. Set the mysql application password for phpmyadmin which is the application’s internal user. Check the phpmyadmin.conf file in /etc/apache2/conf-available to view the default configuration added to your Apache2 service in order to provide the phpmyadmin application. Note the URL Alias to access the application using a browser, in the Alias directive near the start of the file.

Verify you can access the phpmyadmin web interface using a web browser on your host laptop to view the database server status and configuration (http://yourserver/phpmyadmin).

Use phpmyadmin web app to create a database user and database

Login to the phpmyadmin web interface with the root login. Select the tab for User Accounts. Click on the link for add user account. Use tester as both the user name and the user’s password. Check the box to create a database of the same name and grant all privileges to it for the new user. Click on the Go icon at the bottom of the form. You now have a tester user who has a new empty database named tester which that user has full control over.

Use the command line to restore a database backup

Download the employees-dump.sql database backup file from to your virtual server

wget -O /root/employees-dump.sql

Restore the employees database backup you downloaded into your tester database. Connect to your mysql server, use the tester database, and use show tables to see what was restored:

mysql -u tester -p tester < /root/employees-dump.sql
mysql -u tester -p
use tester;
show tables;

Try using the select sql command to view the contents of the 3 tables in the tester database (e.g. select * from tablename;). Create your own backup of the newly restored tester database using mysqldump to dump just the tester database:

mysqldump -u tester -p --result-file=/root/tester-backup.sql tester

Add a private repository and install the webmin web application from it

Add a file to your /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory named webmin.list with the following line in it:

deb sarge contrib

Run apt commands to install the signer’s key, update the software database, and install the webmin application.

wget -O -|apt-key add -
apt update
apt install webmin

Allow access to the webmin web app through your firewall

Add a rule to ufw to allow tcp access to port 10000 (e.g. ufw allow 10000/tcp), then use a browser on your host laptop to access https://yourserver:10000. Log in using your personal account on your virtual server, and use the index on the left to expand the Servers section, then click on MySQL to see an alternate way to manage a database server.

Review log files

Examine the content of error.log in /var/log/mysql to see what is being logged for your mysql server.

Evaluate your server

Run sudo /root/ -l 6 firstname lastname studentnumber. Review any problems detected and correct as necessary. Do not move on to Lab 7 CUPS until you have Lab 6 at 100%. If you are having trouble getting Lab 6 to 100%, try running sudo /root/ -l 12345 firstname lastname studentnumber to make sure you haven’t accidentally broken what was completed in previous labs.